Important note
In 2019, Jamnik d.o.o. was certified by ISO 22000 for the production of packaging for indirect food contact. This has led to higher hygiene standards in our production, but also higher demands to our technical records and documentation.
If this offer concerns products that are meant to pack foodstuff (which includes food that can be eaten or drunk, as well as animal food), you have to mind the instructions on choosing material and inks given below. Please advise your sales manager to adapt our offer adequately should you deem this necessary.
Our company complies to EU regulation 1935/2004. Besides other legal provisions, we also comply to EU regulation 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs as well as regulation 382/2021 on food safety culture, all of which can be freely accessed online.
- Recycled material (GD2, GT2, GT4) is declared by our suppliers as suitable for direct contact with dry and non-greasy food, but those declarations are subject to change through the years. If you choose such material, you have to decide for yourself if it meets your requirements considering the contents and purpose of your packaging. In that case you might also have to ensure a suitable barrier. Manufacturer´s declarations are available from your sales manager.
- Material from virgin fibre (GC2, GC1) is suitable for direct food contact. Corresponding manufacturer´s declarations are available. If you intend to pack food (with or without additional barrier) it makes sense to also use food safe colors and low migration varnish. If this is the case, you have to indicate this in your inquiry. Manufacturer´s declarations are available from your sales manager.
- FSP colors and LMQ varnish, which are suitable for application in food industry, are more expensive and slow down production processes. Declarations for suitability for the food industry are available from your sales manager. It is important to note that the foodstuff must not get into direct contact with the ink without a suitable barrier.
- Upon inquiry, the customer is obliged to state the purpose of the packaging, if food is protected by a suitable barrier, if there are any special requirements for the production of the packaging and if FSP colors and LMQ varnish have to be used. Those production parameters are then specified on our offer.
- Glass, stainless steel, aluminum and iron provide 100% barrier.
This letter is valid until cancellation or replacement.
Jamnik d.o.o.
Medvode, 13.3.2023